ASCE Seattle EWRI July Virtual Brown Bag

Thursday, July 16, 2020 - 12:00 PM

July's online lunch presentation is next Thursday, July 16th from 12-1PM. We are excited to have Alex Shannon from HDR presenting about The Economic and Financial Impact of COVID-19 on Water and Wastewater Agencies. Please join us using the Microsoft Teams link below and let Ayman or Kory know if you have any questions.

Title:  The Economic and Financial Impact of COVID-19 on Water and Wastewater Agencies

Presenter: Alex Shannon, HDR


What’s next? As we prepare for and adjust to what may be our new “normal” for some time, we need to plan for and identify what the potential impacts may be for water and wastewater utilities in light of the financial strains posed by COVID-19. Setting sound financial policy is key to being resilient, and we’ve seen that now more than ever. But what do these policies look like? How is the industry changing? How are utilities continuing to pay for clean and safe water when bills are lower and commerce has come to a halt? Please join Alex Shannon, as he covers the range of anticipated financial impacts and community responses to Covid-19. He will discuss tools, ideas, and options available for utilities to adapt to this crisis, and how we as engineers can continue to work to provide safe and reliable infrastructure.


Alex is HDR’s lead water and wastewater economist for its Utility Management Services practice. He brings a creative and analytical approach to complex scenarios, allowing clients to improve their strategic planning and business performance by using data to make informed decisions.


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