
The many and varied contributions of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) to the profession of engineering are made through dedicated cooperative efforts on the part of individual members.  ASCE draws its strength from the local section and branch level.  The Delaware Section is a very active section with approximately 300 members.  The application of these many minds and hands brings forth new knowledge and techniques, which provide a real service each day. These members give freely of their time and talent to work toward the advancement of the profession.

Membership and active participation in one's professional society is an indication of an individual's stature and professional consciousness.  No truly professional engineer can, or should, avoid the obligation of making an individual contribution to the chosen field of endeavor. Each individual's progress is made possible by the fund of knowledge and experience left by his or her predecessors.  It is a duty to add to this knowledge.

Although opportunities for service vary, and at time compete for one's time, every civil engineer can join in supporting an organization dedicated to the advancement of the science and profession of engineering.  ASCE is such an organization. Its efforts and its resources are devoted to these objectives.

Organization of ASCE

The Delaware Section is one of many sections and branches throughout the United States and the world.   There is a hierarchy of geographical subdivisions in the Society.  There nine regions covering the United States and one international region. The Delaware Section is a member of Region 2 along with the Central Pennsylvania, Lehigh Valley, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Maryland and National Capital sections. A director serving a four-year term represents each Region on the National Board. In addition individuals can participate in national ASCE affairs by serving on national divisions and committees.

Vision and Mission of ASCE

As of this date, the current Vision and Mission of the National ASCE Board of Directors has been adopted as follows:

Vision - Civil engineers are global leaders building a better quality of life.

Mission - Provide essential value to our members and partners, advance civil engineering, and serve the public good.

The ASCE strategic plan identifies five goals to improve the practice of civil engineering:

Goal 1:      Facilitate the advancement of technology to enhance quality, knowledge, competitiveness, sustainability, and environmental stewardship.

Goa1 2:        Encourage and provide the tools for lifelong learning to aid our members' continued growth throughout their careers.

Goal 3:       Promote professionalism and the profession throughout society to enhance the stature of civil engineers and to influence public policy.

Goal 4:         Develop and support civil engineer leaders to broaden our members' perspectives, enhance their career growth, and promote the public interest

Goal 5:          Advocate infrastructure and environmental stewardship to protect the public health and safety and improve the quality of life.

ASCE publishes an Official Register each year that describes all the components and structure of the Organization.  Any member can request a copy of the register each year for free (electronic download). This comprehensive document describes the organizational structure, committees, institutes, policies and bylaws of ASCE.


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