September 2024 Newsletter
For the Full Newsletter click here
Greetings Duluth Section!
Welcome back to a brand-new year of ASCE connection, content, and collaboration. I hope you all had a marvelous summer enjoying time on construction projects and family get togethers.
The following rotational positions will be voted upon at the September luncheon. Our current Vice President Ryan Swanson will advance to President. Pete Demshar will be advancing to VP. Tyler Yngsdal our secretary will advance to Treasurer. Which leaves our secretary position open.
If anyone wants to be on the ballot to fill these positions, please let me know. All seats will be put to a vote. Without volunteers like you, our section will not have a full leadership team. If you or anyone you know would be interested in a great networking and leadership opportunity, please reach out to anyone on the board. We would be happy to have
you join us and assist in directing our section. Thank you to all our Board Chairs this past year, it has been great working with you these past 4 years. As I transition to the Past-President role I know this Section is in good hands.
Lastly, keep a look out for our Sponsorship letters for our Section, that should be sent to your office’s. They keep the lights on here for our section and help us provide opportunities for you and our community.
See you on the 17th at Barr Engineering for our September Luncheon.
To register for the September Luncheon, click here.
Andrew Lund
Duluth Section President
Thank You to our Section Sponsors: