A Key Contact is a self-identified ASCE member who is interested in public policy. Key Contacts agree to receive Key Alerts via email notifying them of public policy developments that need membership action.  At the most basic level, a Key Contact commits to subscribing to Key Alerts and taking action when they receive those emails.  The requested action is usually sending a pre-drafted email or personal email to your legislators or legislative staff in support of ASCE priorities.

The time commitment varies depending on your interest in public policy and willingness to engage in the Key Contact Program.  It only takes a minute or two to respond to a Key Alert and send the pre-drafted email ASCE provides.  All you do is enter the address where you are registered to vote. A personal email may take a little bit longer.  Other opportunities and leadership roles within the Key Contact Program require more of a commitment.  The minimal commitment would most likely require no more than 10-15 minutes during a very busy legislative month.

Become a KEY CONTACT today: