Young Civil Engineer of the Year


This recognition is awarded annually to a member of the Wisconsin Section of ASCE who is 35 years of age or less during the calendar year the award is presented (i.e.; the individual could turn 36 on or prior to December 31 of the calendar year the award is presented). The awardee(s) will be invited to attend the Annual Meeting including the banquet to receive the award.

The candidates will be judged on their attained professional achievement as measured by:

  • Registration as Engineer-in-Training or Professional Engineer and having practiced in the State of Wisconsin for at least three years during their professional life.
  • Demonstration of interest in self-improvement through participation in evening courses, workshops, seminars, or other means.
  • Service to the advancement of the profession.
  • Evidence of technical competence, responsibility for significant engineering projects, integrity and high professional ethics.
  • Contributions to public service outside of professional career.

To submit a nomination, complete the Young Civil Engineer of the Year nomination form and submit via email to the Section Secretary by June 1.