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WisDOT and ASCE Partnership Annoucement


Nominations Open Soon for the 2025 Wisconsin Section Outstanding Senior Civil Engineering Student (OSCES) Awards!

See More Details Here!

Welcome to The American Society of Civil Engineers Wisconsin Section

Founded in 1852, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) represents more than 140,000 members of the civil engineering profession worldwide and is America’s oldest national engineering society. The Wisconsin Section of ASCE was originally organized as the Milwaukee Section on March 20, 1923. Several meetings were held jointly with the Engineers and Scientists of Milwaukee (ESM) and in September 1926, a contract was signed affiliating the two groups. In April 1938, the Milwaukee Section changed its name to the Wisconsin Section. Over time, four branches have been established: Southwest (1962), Fox River Valley (1966), Northwest (1974), and Southeast (1977). The Wisconsin Section currently consists of approximately 2000 members.

ASCE’s Mission

To provide essential value to our members and partners, advance civil engineering, and serve the public good.

Contact ASCE Wisconsin Section by emailing [email protected].

Online Discussion Site for ASCE

Collaborate is the website for ASCE members to discuss issues important to the profession. Just use your already-created ASCE credentials to login and join “Communities” of your choosing, such as the Wisconsin Section and your local branch. Check it out and start collaborating!

Full 2024 Wisconsin Infrastructure Report Card is Now Available!


Over 50 ASCE members worked diligently to co-author the report! Click Here to Read the Full 2024 Report!



League of Women Voter's of Wisconsin and ASCE WI Section Report Card Webinar Series


For the second time, the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin (LWVWI) is teaming up with the American Society of Civil Engineers-Wisconsin Section (ASCE-WI) to bring the findings of the ASCE-WI 2024 Report Card for Wisconsin's Infrastructure to you. 

This webinar series, kicking off on October 17th 12:00-1:30 pm, will bring insights into Wisconsin’s 17 infrastructure areas straight from the report authors.  Each program will also include diverse perspectives from those involved in different aspects of each area.  

Register for the Webinars Here!


Miss a Webinar? Recordings are Now Available!


Bridges & Roads (10/17/24)

Aviation & Transit (10/31/24)

Inland Ports & Waterways (11/14/24)