Rapid Bridge Replacement & DelDOT Accelerated Bridge Construction
ASCE Delaware and ASME Delaware are proud to present Rapid Bridge Replacement and Accelerated Bridge Construction Techniques, presented by Dr. Christopher Meehan and Jason Hastings, M.C.E., P.E. These technical presentations will discuss the methods and practice behind the topics with a Q&A session following each of the presentations. Professionals wil receive 2.0 PDH's for attending the event. Light dinner and refreshments will be provided prior to the event. The cost $10 for professionals and FREE for students. Please RSVP to deasce.rsvp@gmail.comby Monday, March 19th. See the event flyer for additional details about the presentations and for presentor bio's.
**Due to room size, only 55 people will be able to attend on a FIRST COME FIRST SERVE BASIS. RSVP today!
Dr. Christopher Meehan
Jason Hastings, M.C.E., P.E.
5:30pm Light Dinner and Networking
6:00pm Rapid Bridge Replacement Presentation with Q&A by Dr. Christopher Meehan, UD Professor
7:00pm DelDOT ABC Techniques with Q&A by Jason Hastings, M.C.E., P.E., DelDOT
8:00pm Closing
University of Delaware, Room 106 in Composites Manufacturing Science Lab (Delaware Ave. and Academy St.)