ASCE Election Now Open!

Voting is easy; just use your ASCE Username and Password to login and fill out your ballot. Follow this link to cast your ballot today:

One important benefit of ASCE membership is the right to select the leaders who will guide our organization into the future – make sure your voice is heard!

The election is open through June 1, 2024, 5:01 PM PT.

Teachable – New Webinar Library is Up and Running

The Philadelphia Section has now launched the new Webinar Library on As a reminder, is an online platform where the ASCE Philadelphia Section will upload our recorded PDH-worthy webinars, which can be watched at one's own pace and time to earn your PDH. There will still be a delay from the live webinar to its availability online, so don't miss the chance to ask questions at the live event!

Each active member of the ASCE Philadelphia Section has been automatically enrolled in and will receive an email from in the coming days, confirming that you have been added to this program. If your email address hasn't already been used to create a account, you'll also receive instructions on how to do so. For further questions please see our FAQ page. If you haven't received this email, but think you are current on your Philadelphia Section dues, please fill out this form, and we'll get back to you.

Hopefully everyone has had a chance to check out the PDH-worthy, recorded webinars on our Webinar Library on Teachable. Active, dues-paying members of the ASCE Philadelphia Section receive this benefit for FREE. Webinars are also available for purchase by non-members for the same price as the live webinar ($15) or as a 1-year access bundle of $70. Please see our FAQ page if you have any questions about the platform. Please note that membership renewal is currently ongoing (as of January 1, 2021) so your FREE access to the Webinar Library will only remain so if you renew your membership with the Section. If you have not yet renewed, you will receive an email from the Section in the next couple of weeks. Click here to renew your membership.

We're very excited to bring this Webinar Library to our members!

For access to past virtual events, please CLICK HERE!


VUSP Stormwater Symposium 2024

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 - 08:00am
The Villanova Urban Stormwater Partnership (VUSP) is pleased to announce that the biennial Pennsylvania Stormwater Management Symposium will be held Oct. 16 and 17 on the campus of Villanova…

Event calendar