Sean Wines, EIT – President
Sean Wines E.I.T. is a Structural Engineer in Stantec’s South Burlington office, focusing on highway and railroad bridges. Sean has been involved in ASCE since his freshman year at UVM where he participated in the steel bridge club all 4 years taking the bridge captain position his final year. He lives in Fletcher with his wife and two cats. In his free time you can find him working in the yard, on his boat or playing a round of golf. Sean has been active on the board since 2019 holding the positions of social media, younger member chair and president elect.
Zelda Dively, EIT – President Elect
Zelda graduated from the University of Vermont with her BS in Environmental Engineering in 2019, and spent that summer working with VHB as an intern with both their Land Development and Water Resources teams. She started her current role at VHB upon graduating with her MS in Civil and Environmental Engineering in 2020. Zelda works primarily with ski resorts and has special interests in environmental permitting, stormwater, and water resources. Zelda has been serving as a South Burlington office lead for VHB’s Emerging Professionals Group (EPG) since 2021 and as a New England Region EPG Co-Lead since 2023. In these roles, she organizes and facilitates social and professional development events for emerging professionals within her office and across the region. When she’s not working, Zelda enjoys being in nature, practicing yoga, and spending time with family and friends.
Matthew Estabrooks, PE – Past President
Matt received his BS in Civil Engineering from the University of Vermont in 2007 and is a licensed professional engineer in Vermont and New Hampshire. He is a Project Manager at Sanborn Head in Burlington, Vermont with expertise in environmental engineering, permitting, and compliance. He lives in Waitsfield with his wife, three children, dog, and cat. When he is not working, he loves spending time with his family and friends, cooking good food, and exploring the outdoors. In the winter you can find him on the mountain skiing and snowboarding; in the summer, you can find him hiking or playing a round of golf. Matt has been actively involved in ASCE since 2013 including contributing to the Vermont infrastructure report card and serving as Treasurer and Younger Member Committee Chair for the Vermont Section.
Victor Amesoeder – Secretary
Victor, EIT, is a Land Development Engineer at VHB Inc. since 2021, located in Burlington Vermont. His work focuses on stormwater design and management, civil/site development for ski resorts and a variety of private development projects across New England. Victor received his B.S. in Environmental Engineering from The Ohio State University. He has been an active ASCE member on the Vermont Board since 2023. He is also currently a model-based design coach, focusing on teaching 3D modeling integration into VHB’s everyday drafting and designing tasks. As the previous membership chair, Victor engaged peers in more diverse engineering experiences, broadened their skills, and cultivated a larger ASCE community during the past year. He will serve as the VT Section Secretary this year. Victor enjoys spending his time playing music, snowboarding and backpacking in his free time.
Andrea Ameden, PE – Treasurer
Andrea graduated from UVM in 2018 with a B.S. in Civil Engineering. During her undergrad years, Andrea was involved in the UVM ASCE student chapter as President and Treasurer and in VT ASCE as Newsletter Editor. She returned to VT ASCE as Membership Chair in 2022 and is currently serving as Treasurer from 2023-2025. Andrea has worked as a stormwater designer and permit coordinator at Stevens & Associates in Brattleboro, VT, focusing on land development/redevelopment, stormwater design, and other land use/environmental permitting. She currently works at VHB as a Water Resources Engineer where she assists with operational and construction stormwater design, site design and grading, hydraulic and hydrologic analyses, and environmental permit compliance. In her free time, Andrea enjoys hiking, hunting, and foraging all the Green Mountains have to offer.
Laura Williams – Younger Member Chair
Laura is a senior project engineer at Sanborn Head in Burlington, Vermont in the solid waste client service area. She received her BS in Environmental Engineering in 2016 from the University of Vermont. As a senior project engineer at Sanborn Head, she specializes in landfill design, stormwater planning and design, geotechnical engineering and compliance within the state of Vermont. Laura has been actively involved in ASCE since 2019 including contributing to the Vermont infrastructure report card and serving as Membership Chair of the Vermont Section. Currently, Laura is the Vermont chapter's Younger Member Chair.
Jordan Duffy, PE – New England Delegate
Jordan Duffy P.E. is a water resources engineer at Fitzgerald Environmental Associates, focusing on hydrologic and hydraulic analysis, stormwater design and permitting, and geomorphology. Jordan has been involved in ASCE since his time at UVM, where he served as the Student Chapter's Vice President in 2015. Since graduation, Jordan has been an active board member for the Vermont Chapter, serving as both the Membership chair and the Younger Member chair, promoting membership for young Vermont engineers and helping to plan events to foster a more connected engineering community in Vermont. Currently, Jordan is the Vermont chapter's past president. Jordan enjoys the Green Mountains by snowboarding, mountain biking, and rock climbing.
Tyler Barnard, EIT – New England Delegate
Tyler is a 2014 graduate of Penn State University where he obtained his BS in Civil Engineering. He joined Engineering Ventures as a Staff Engineer in the spring of 2018 where he performs civil/site design for commercial and residential projects of all sizes. Tyler's expertise includes multiple facets of engineering design, permitting, and surveying associated with land use development projects. He has been serving on the Board of Directors for the Vermont Chapter of ASCE since 2015 and served as President for the 2020-2021 year. In his free time, Tyler enjoys outdoor recreation in the Vermont wilderness and grooving to the Burlington music scene.
Contact Information
Please feel free to contact us at any time, for any reason. We are happy to answer questions about the ASCE, our VTASCE Section, or ASCE membership. We also take requests to purchase advertisement space.
A complete list of all ASCE Vermont Section 2025 Officers can be found here.