Annual Meeting of the ASCE Mississippi Section

In the fall of each year, the Mississippi Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers hosts a statewide meeting. Meetings rotate between the branch regions in the state: North Mississippi, Vicksburg, Jackson, and the Gulf Coast. The yearly section meeting is a great opportunity for members to earn PDH hours, network with fellow Mississippi engineers, and learn about resources available from ASCE.

The yearly section meeting also provides a venue for recognition of our state's Engineer of the Year and Young Engineer of the Year. The recipients of these prestigious, peer nominated awards embody the ideals of the civil engineering profession and exhibit exemplary character and integrity.

Mississippi is also fortunate to have three excellent universities that offer civil engineering curriculum: Ole Miss, Mississippi State University, and Jackson State University. The section uses a portion of each year's budget to award scholarships to undergraduate civil engineering students who attend one of our state's ABET accredited institutions.  The scholarships are awarded at the Section Meeting for students to use during their current school year.  More information on student scholarships can be found on the awards page.




Wednesday, September 11, 2024 - 12:00pm to Friday, September 13, 2024 - 04:00pm
Registration Link. (Click View Event Details for the registration link) 

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