The Mohawk-Hudson Section of The American Society of Civil Engineers was established in 1938.   In 1976 the Mid-Hudson Branch was established.  The Section serves ASCE members and their communities within 23 New York State counties stretching from Poughkeepsie to the Canadian Border.

The Mohawk-Hudson Section of ASCE Objectives:

  • Enhance the image of Civil Engineers through community service events and publicity.
  • Improve communication with members through enhancements in our newsletter and website.
  • Increase opportunities for continuing education through field trips and speakers.

About ASCE

The American Society of Civil Engineers was founded in 1852. The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) represents more than 150,000 members of the civil engineering profession worldwide and is America's oldest national engineering society. ASCE's membership is organized into 10 regions throughout the world. These regions include 94 Sections, 160 Branches, 388 student chapters, and 130 Younger Member Groups.

Join Today to support your local engineering community and take advantage of the many member advantages, including:


Engineers as global leaders building a better quality of life.


To provide essential value to our members, their careers, our partners, and the public, ASCE will:

  • Facilitate the advancement of technology
  • Encourage and provide the tools for lifelong learning
  • Promote professionalism and the profession
  • Develop and support civil engineer leaders
  • Advocate infrastructure and environmental stewardship


  • Facilitate the advancement of technology to enhance quality, knowledge, competitiveness, sustainability, and environmental stewardship.
  • Encourage and provide the tools for lifelong learning to aid our members' continued growth throughout their careers.
  • Promote professionalism and the profession throughout society to enhance the stature of civil engineers and to influence public policy.
  • Develop and support civil engineer leaders to broaden our members' perspectives, enhance their career growth, and promote the public interest.
  • Advocate infrastructure and environmental stewardship to protect the public health and safety and improve the quality of life.


Ex. 515.203.1061