ASCE Wisconsin Section - Outstanding Senior Civil Engineering Student Awards (OSCES)


Nominations are now closed.  Please check back next year!


This award is given to an individual or individuals for achievement as a civil engineering student enrolled in their senior year (December and May graduates of the current school year). The student must be currently enrolled and a student member of ASCE. Nominations are provided by ASCE Student Chapter Faculty Advisors.

The basis for the award shall be “for individual achievement/service that demonstrates excellence in engineering academic achievement and service to the profession.”

Eligibility is as follows:

  • Student must be in their senior year
  • Student must be a current registered ASCE Student Chapter member
  • Student is to be nominated by their ASCE Student Chapter Faculty Advisor

Award recipients will receive a $2,000 monetary award check, a framed certificate from ASCE, and be recognized with complimentary registration at the ASCE Wisconsin Section's Spring Technical Conference.  Award winner(s) will also be recognized on various social media outlets.  There are up to two awards available.  

We love recognizing our student chapter members- and are excited to review this year's submissions!