051425 18th Annual ACE Awards
On May 14, 2025, CSCE will honor the design and construction achievements of Connecticut Civil Engineers from January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2024. These Achievement in Civil Engineering Awards or “ACE" Awards will commend projects on which significant engineering expertise or innovation was exhibited by Connecticut Engineers and especially CSCE members. Please join CSCE at this year's ACE Awards to help honor the overall contributions of Connecticut civil engineers and CSCE members.
ASCE President Elect Marsha Anderson Bomar, Ph.D., AICP, ENV SP, F.ITE, F.ASCE
Marsha Anderson Bomar is currently a Transportation Strategic Advisor to GHD, an international consultancy and have recently served as the Interim Commissioner of Transportation and Deputy Commissioner, Engineering for the Atlanta Department of Transportation as well as the Assistant General Manager for Capital Programs Delivery with MARTA (Metropolitan Atlanta Regional Transit Authority). She founded two consulting firms, Street Smarts in 1990 and Data Smarts in 1993, growing them to more than 120 employees and annual revenues of $20 million and created the Street Smarts Foundation as one vehicle for the firm’s philanthropic activities. The Foundation endowed the Mentor and Mentee program within Women in Engineering at Georgia Tech. In 2010, she sold the firms to Stantec. She also served as the Executive Director of the Gateway85 Community Improvement District, the largest CID in the state of Georgia.
Ms. Anderson Bomar is currently the President Elect of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and served a three-year term on the Board of Direction. She was Technical Region Governor (overseeing 9 Technical Institutes) and has been the ASCE Treasurer. She is also featured as an Extraordinary Woman Engineer in ASCE publication entitled, Changing Our World, True Stories of Women Engineers, by Sybil E. Hatch, Copyright 2006, (page 88) and has served as President of the ASCE Transportation and Development Institute. She was awarded the William Wisely Civil Engineering Award and has served as the Chair for the International conference, “Green Streets, Highways and Development” and Co-chair of the International Conference on Transportation and Development.
She is an International Past President of the Institute of Transportation Engineers and is past Chairman of the Institute's Technical Council Design Department, Policy Committee, and Transportation Planners Council. She has been the Chair of the Goods Movement Council and author of the Urban Travel Characteristics chapter of the Transportation Planners Handbook. She was a Director of the New Jersey Motor Truck Association, as well as the American Trucking Associations' Scholar-In-Residence. She has also been a special member of the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission's Urban Goods Movement Advisory Committee. Ms. Anderson Bomar chaired the Olympic (Atlanta) Transportation Task Force Support Group on Goods Movement for the 1996 Games in Atlanta, Georgia and served as lead for transportation for the Table Tennis Venue for the Paralympics.
Other significant affiliations include her work on the Transportation Research Board (TRB), where she was co-chair of the Blue Ribbon award winning Women's Issues in Transportation Committee, and WTS, where she served two terms on the International Board of Directors and was Board Treasurer. In addition, she served 4 terms on the Duluth City Council and authored many programs and policies, supported the growth of our Planning and Engineering efforts, and served three terms as Mayor Pro Tempore.
Finally, she is the author of hundreds of publications and studies, a guest on numerous podcasts, listed in numerous Who's Who publications, have been a member of the Gwinnett County Board of the United Way, American Red Cross, Chamber of Commerce and a graduate of the Leadership Gwinnett program. She has won numerous awards for technical, civic and business accomplishments and serve numerous non-profit organizations.
5:00 PM Reception, 6:00 PM Dinner & Program
Glass Room, The Aqua Turf Club, 556 Mulberry Street, Plantsville, CT 06479
Become a sponsor today! Here are the various levels of sponsorship:
Platinum Sponsorship ($2,500) includes Full Page advertisement in Dinner Pamphlet, Advertisement on Event Sponsorship Board, and Two Dinner Tables (20 seats).
Gold Sponsorship ($1,500) includes Half Page Advertisement in Dinner Pamphlet, Advertisement on Event Sponsorship Board, and One Dinner Table (10 seats).
Silver Sponsorship ($1,000) includes Quarter Page advertisement in Dinner Pamphlet, Advertisement on Event Sponsorship Board, and Four seats at the Dinner.
Full Table Sponsorship ($950) includes a Dinner Table (10 seats) and a Table Sign with your Company Logo at a Dinner Table.
Bronze Sponsorship ($500) includes Business card size advertisement in Dinner Pamphlet, Listing of Company Name on Event Sponsorship Board, and Two seats at the Dinner.
Please register for a sponsorship by Wednesday, May 7, 2025, by clicking on the following link: