The CSCE of the present is the result of a merger of two organizations that occurred 30 years ago. The Connecticut Society of Civil Engineers was founded in 1884, while the Connecticut Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers was founded in 1919. In 1958, the Section had 523 members. In 1955 (the nearest comparable year for reliable numbers), the Society had 1,033 members. The two organizations met separately until they merged in 1981, by mutual vote of membership, to become the Connecticut Society of Civil Engineers Section of American Society of Civil Engineers or CSCE.
Civil Engineers design and build our increasingly complex infrastructure; work with government officials, citizens and businesses to promote better infrastructure maintenance and renewal; and build commerce in Connecticut and throughout the World. We serve diverse industries including government, consulting, construction, academics and manufacturing and we work in a variety of disciplines including geotechnical, environmental, structures, transportation, and water resources.
ASCE and CSCE Membership
ASCE members come from all disciplines of civil engineering, from all types of environments, and from all over the world. With benefits geared to meet the high standards of professionalism, ASCE strives to cater to each member's needs.
Membership in CSCE is granted to ASCE members upon receipt of Connecticut Section dues. Connecticut Section dues are now $35 per year. Please include your section dues with your national membership renewal. We can accept mid-year memberships. Please contact our Membership Committee Chair for more information about CSCE and ASCE. To join the Connecticut section of ASCE, please go to the ASCE website ( and click on Join at the top of the page.
Why join CSCE? Please click here for our PowerPoint Presentation from a Professional Issues Seminar on Tuesday, April 8, 2008 about the Advantages to Joining Professional Associations
Transferring Section Membership
Have you recently moved to Connecticut, or are you about to? If you are a current ASCE and local Section member you can transfer your Section membership to CSCE. Once you move to Connecticut, you may go online to and log in change your address information. This will initiate the transfer from your old Section to the Connecticut Section. If you encounter any trouble while online, you can also contact the ASCE Records Department via email at [email protected] or (703) 295-6300 to provide you new address information and the transfer can be handled that way as well.
If you are moving out of Connecticut, you can follow the same procedure to transfer from CSCE to you new local Section. We are sorry to see you go, but hope that you continue to be active in ASCE and your new local Section. For information about the local Section for where you are moving, you can visit the ASCE website @:
Advancing your Membership Grade
Do you need to advance your membership grade? Are you a recent graduate? Did you get your P.E. license? ASCE and CSCE encourage you to advance your membership grade as your professional career progresses. Information and instructions are available on the ASCE website
Support CSCE with a Sponsorship
The CSCE is excited to provide a new sponsorship and promotional opportunity for companies in CT!
Benefits of Sponsorship:
- PowerPoint slide recognition at every meeting – presented by CSCE
- Company logo included in emails promoting the meeting
- Company logo included on all the meeting/event invitations sent by CSCE
- 5 dinner meeting registration vouchers - These can be used all at one dinner meeting or spaced out throughout the year at multiple dinner meetings, but not at the ACE Awards event
- Includes PDHs for employees attending the meetings that offer PDHs
- Sponsorship recognition in CSCE Newsletter and on the CSCE website
Annual Sponsorship Cost for ASCE/CSCE firms (Firms with partnership relationships with ASCE or employ at least 5 CSCE members): $2,000
Annual Sponsorship Cost for Non ASCE/CSCE firms: $2,500
Learn more about civil engineering through...
The News...
32 high-paying jobs for people who don't like stress - Business Insider - February 17, 2017
Toxic Waters: Saving U.S. Water and Sewer Systems Would Be Costly - New York Times - March 15, 2010
The Web...
American Society of Civil Engineers ... About Civil Engineering
Attention Kids, Parents and Teachers - To discover the world of civil engineering, visit the ASCE website, where you will find games to play, activities for the classroom and career guidance materials.
Please see below for different options to obtain more information about CSCE
1. Click on the following links: CSCE Constitution and Bylaws - CSCE Operations Manual & Appendices - CSCE's Annual Report for 2012-2013
2. Contact the CSCE Administrative Assistant: Email - USPS Mail: P.O. Box 1101, Deep River, CT 06417 - Telephone: 860-879-2723
3. Fill out the fields below.