061621 CSCE SEI Structures Webinars 1 & 2

Wednesday, June 16, 2021 - 12:00 PM

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Please join CSCE at its Structures Webinar Series: Advances in Code Prescribed Wind Loads on June 16, 18, and 23, 2021. The Series will be held in six 1-hour webinars over three days and CSCE is offering 1 New York State Professional Development Hour (NYS PDH) for attendance at each webinar and attendance at all 6 webinars is worth 6 NYS PDHs. People can register for each webinar individually or for the entire Series. Please see below for the schedule for the Series.

All profits from CSCE continuing educational activities fund the CSCE scholarships.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

12:00 p.m. ~ Summary of Local Effects of Global Mean Sea Level Increases and Changes Expected to Wind in Connecticut

This presentation will include:

  • Summary of local effects of global mean sea level increases
  • Basics of mean sea level effects on flood return intervals
  • Variations in flood risk along the Connecticut shoreline.
  • Changes to the “flood plane”
  • Zones of shared risk and adaptation planning in towns
  • Changes expected to wind in Connecticut

James O’Donnell, Ph.D., Executive Director of the Connecticut Institute for Resilience & Climate Adaptation (CIRCA) at the University of Connecticut

Jim O’Donnell is a physical oceanographer. He earned a BSc. (Hons) in Applied Physics from Strathclyde University in Scotland, and a M.S. and Ph.D. in Oceanography from the University of Delaware where he worked with Professor R. W. Garvine. After serving as Postdoctoral Research Associate with Prof. P. Linden in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at Cambridge University, England, he joined the faculty of the University of Connecticut in 1987. In 1999 he was promoted to the rank of Professor and served as interim Head of the Department of Marine Sciences and Director of the Marine Science and Technology Center from 2002 to 2005. He was elected to the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering in 2009 and recently appointed to be Executive Director of the Connecticut Institute for Resilience and Climate Adaptation (CIRCA). Professor O’Donnell’s research focuses on understanding the physical processes that determine the circulation and transport of materials in the coastal ocean. With students and research associates, he is currently involved in both the construction and testing of models and the development of technology to make observations. He is also interested in fundamental geophysical and environmental fluid dynamics and the application of mathematical and statistical methods to the development of models of biogeochemical processes.

In the last decade Prof. O’Donnell has been involved in the development of a permanent ocean observing system in Long Island Sound and the adjacent shelf. This multi-use infrastructure informs environmental managers and, the general public, as well as providing new scientific insights. The availability of this type of data has provoked new applications and Prof. O’Donnell has collaborated with the U.S. Coast Guard to develop an improved drift prediction system for the search and rescue applications. He has served as a Director of both the North East Regional Association of Coastal Ocean Observing Systems and the Middle Atlantic Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association. He has been appointed as one of Connecticut’s representatives to the Bi-State Commission on Long Island Sound and a Governor’s appointee to the Council on Environmental Quality.

As Executive Director of CIRCA, he is responsible for bringing together the world class research and outreach capabilities of the University of Connecticut and the extensive practical experience of the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection to create and disseminate practical and sustainable strategies to enhance the resilience of the built environment while protecting natural ecosystems in Connecticut and the northeast.

1:00 p.m. ~ Lateral Load Design using the IBC and ASCE 7 and Recent Lessons Learned from Disasters

This presentation will provide lessons learned from recent major wind and seismic events followed by an overview of the wind and seismic provisions in the IBC and ASCE7-10. Recent trial designs of wind and seismic provisions have shown that practicing engineers have great difficulty applying the lateral load provisions of ASCE 7 and that they often get unconservative answers.

Edwin T. Huston, P.E., S.E., Principal with the structural engineering firm of Smith & Huston Inc., in Seattle, WA  

Mr. Huston has over 42 years of experience in structural design, evaluation, and investigation and code and standards development. He is a former President of SEAW, and of NCSEA. He is chair of the NCSEA Code Advisory Committee-General Requirements and has worked for the successful adoption of a Limited Practice Act for Structural Engineers in Washington State. He has served in leadership positions in other organizations including technical committees and has co-authored numerous papers, books and guides.

Friday, June 18, 2021

12:00 p.m. EST ~ Latest Updates to the ASCE 7-16 Wind Provisions and a preview of the ASCE 7-22 provisions

As many of the Northeastern States begin to adopt the 2018 IBC, the referenced standard will be ASCE/SEI 7-16:  Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures. This presentation will review the major revisions to the standard that affect the practicing engineer in their daily practice. Also nearing completion are the revisions to the ASCE 7-16 standard that will be published as ASCE/SEI 7-22. Mr. Scott and Ms. Henry will review a few of the major revisions to the standard for the 2022 edition that might benefit current projects.

Donald R. Scott, S.E., Senior Principal with PCS Structural Solutions, and Cherylyn Henry, P.E., Structures Group Lead and Project Manager with ZAPATA

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Donald R. Scott, S.E., is a Senior Principal with PCS Structural Solutions. Mr. Scott has over 38 years of experience in the design, evaluation, and rehabilitation of building structures.  He was the principal investigator for the ASCE/SEI Prestandard for Performance-Based Wind Design. Mr. Scott is Chair of the SEI Codes and Standards Executive Committee, Chair of the ASCE 7 Wind Load Subcommittee, member of the ASCE 7 Main Committee and past Chair of the NCSEA Wind Engineering Committee. Mr. Scott is a member of the SEI Board of Governors and a past President of the Board of Directors of the Applied Technology Council.

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Cherylyn Henry, P.E., is the structures group lead and a project manager with ZAPATA. She has 17 years of design experience in buildings and bridges. Ms. Henry has been a member of the ASCE 7 Wind Load Subcommittee since 2012, serving as secretary for the ’16 cycle and vice chair for the ’22 cycle. She is also a member of the ASCE 7 Main Committee. Ms. Henry was actively involved in the SEI Young Professionals Committee, serving as secretary from 2011 to 2013 and chair from 2013 to 2015. She has also served on two SEI Board of Governors committees and participates in the Chapter Resources Committee, which serves the LAD.

1:00 p.m. EST ~ Wind Design and Damping Strategies for Bridges and Tall Buildings

This presentation will cover:

  • Wind load and stability assessment of bridge structures, focusing on pedestrian bridges
  • The status of the art and recent development in tall building wind design
  • Bridge and building dampers for vibration control

Un Yong Jeong, Ph.D., P.Eng, Principal at Gradient Wind, Ontario, Canada

Un Yong Jeong received his Ph.D. from Seoul National University, South Korea, and worked as a post-doctoral researcher and research engineer at the University of Western Ontario. He is currently a Principal at Gradient Wind Engineering in Ottawa, Canada, and mainly works on wind tunnel studies of cladding pressures, and structural wind loading on tall buildings and bridges as well as the design of damping devices such as Tuned Liquid Sloshing Dampers and Tuned Mass Dampers. He is currently a member of the ASCE Structural Wind Engineering Committee and is also a member of the International Advisory Committee of Building Dampers with the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH).

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

8:00 a.m. EST ~ Recent Advances in Machine Learning and its Applications in Wind Engineering

The speaker will first introduce the basics of machine learning and its recent development. In particular, more time will be spent to explain the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), which shows excellent performance in image recognition. The speaker will then present three different applications of machine learning in wind engineering. The first is estimation of tree failure consequences using areal images. The second is to classify the satellite image for wind engineering problems. The third is estimation of flutter coefficients using bridge deck geometry. The presentation will be concluded with the discussion of future opportunities.

Sungmoon Jung, Ph.D., Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering at the Florida A&M University-Florida State University College of Engineering College of Engineering

Sungmoon Jung, Ph.D. | FAMU FSU College of Engineering

Professor Sungmoon Jung is a professor at FAMU-FSU Engineering (a joint college by Florida A&M University and Florida State University), department of civil and environmental engineering. Before joining the college, he worked for Caterpillar (2006-08) after receiving the Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2004). His Ph.D. dissertation dealt with a new machine-learning approach for finite element analysis. His research interests are structural engineering and mechanics focusing on wind loading and impact loading, wind energy, vehicle safety, and applications of machine-learning in mechanics problems.

1:00 p.m. EST ~ Overview of the Proposed Tornado Loads for ASCE 7-22, including Northeast US-Specific Requirements

This presentation will provide an overview of the tornado load provisions proposed for incorporation into ASCE 7-22 and their development. These provisions are based on the ASCE 7 framework for determination of loads from other types of windstorms, with many modifications for tornadoes. Design speeds are defined using the first-ever engineering-derived probabilistic tornado wind speed maps, which also account for the dependency of tornado risk on the plan size of the building or structure. Unique tornado characteristic such as the bullnose-shaped vertical velocity profile, strong updrafts, and atmospheric pressure change are also accounted for. These tornado load proposals are currently working their way through the standards approval process for inclusion in ASCE 7-22. Highlights of a case study comparing tornado loads and wind loads will also be presented, including a look at impacts of tornado load provisions in the Northeast U.S.

Marc Levitan, Ph.D., Lead Research Engineer for the National Windstorm Impact Reduction Program at the National Institute of Standards and Technology

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Marc Levitan is the Lead Research Engineer for the National Windstorm Impact Reduction Program at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. He has over 25 years of experience in research, education and practice related to tornado, hurricane, and extreme wind effects on buildings and structures. With respect to tornadoes, Dr. Levitan served as lead investigator for NIST's National Construction Safety Team technical investigation of the Joplin tornado, as well as for the NIST study of the 2013 Moore tornado. Dr. Levitan leads implementation of many recommendations resulting from these investigations, including chairing: the SEI committee that developed the tornado load provisions for ASCE 7-22; the ICC committee that developed the 2020 edition of the ICC 500 Storm Shelter standard; and the ASCE/SEI/AMS committee developing a new standard on Wind Speed Estimation in Tornadoes and Other Windstorms.


The registration fees for the Webinar Series are as follows:

$100 for the Six 1-Hour Webinar Series - Earn 6 New York State Professional Development Hours (NYS PDHs)

$20 for each 1-Hour Webinar - Earn 1 NYS PDH




$250 sponsorship (includes 1 attendee registration for all 6 webinars, logo placement on all correspondence, and recognition in the opening slides)