062323 CT ITE/CSCE Golf Outing

Friday, June 23, 2023 - 11:00 AM

Thank you to our Golfers and Sponsors! The 2023 Outing has SOLD OUT and will be held rain or shine. 

Mulligan Sponsor

Tighe & bond logo

Eagle Sponsor

CHA Company logo

Birdie Sponsors

parsons logo


geobrugg logo


Par Sponsors
lochner logo  new england traffic solutions  cdm smith logo

VHB logo Terra Insights company logo

STV company log F&O logo BL Companies logo


Mark your calendars for our 28th Annual CT ITE / CSCE Scholarship Golf Outing! The new date is Friday June 23rd. Keep an eye out for registration and sponsorship details. As always, this joint event directly funds our scholarship awards that are given to students in Connecticut pursuing degrees in the civil engineering profession.

2023 Golf Outing Volunteer Request


Timberlin Golf Club, 330 Southington Road, Berlin, CT 06037


2023 Golf Outing Registration & Sponsorship

Please click on the button below to register for the outing:

register now button