101024 Structural Engineering Seminar

Thursday, October 10, 2024 - 08:00 AM

SEI-CT Chapter logoThis seminar is sponsored by the CT Chapter of the ASCE Structural Engineering Institute.

The 2024 Structural Engineering Seminar will be held on October 10, 2024, at the MDC Operations Facility & Training Center in Hartford, CT. Several New York State PDHs will be offered at this event. 

Call for Abstracts

The Connecticut Chapter of ASCE Structural Engineering Institute (SEI-CT) solicits presentations and invites abstract submissions for the 2024 SEI-CT Seminar to be held at MDC Operations Facility & Training Center in Hartford, CT on October 10th, Thursday.

For each of the last three years events (2021-2023), SEI-CT had invited speakers on a specific topic.  For this year's event, SEI-CT requests practitioners, educators, and vendors submit practice/research projects within a wide range of structural engineering topics for a 45-min in-person presentation followed by 15-min Q&A.  Emphasis should be placed on the practical solutions and/or applicability.  The deadline for the submittal of abstracts of 250-500 words with a photo via email to both [email protected] and [email protected] has been extended to July 31st.  SEI-CT is requesting only presentations, not publishable papers for this event.  For additional information on submissions or other technical questions, please email to [email protected]. Suggested topics include:

  • What structural engineers do
  • Innovative topics like AI
  • Actual projects' challenges and how they were resolved, i.e., I-90 extension to Logan Airport under the rail lines and Fort Point Channel
  • A discussion of structures-adjacent topics: hydraulics, permitting, HVAC, etc. Essentially, what should structural engineers be considering more fully as designs are developed?
  • Issues during construction of structures...lessons learned from construction engineers and Construction Engineering & Inspection (CEI)
  • Wind, flood and earthquake loads
  • Application of building codes.
  • Sustainability in Structural Engineering

MDC Operations Facility & Training Center, 125 Maxim Road, Hartford, CT

Parking Map & Directions