Welcome to ASCE Inland Empire Section's website. Please find information for upcoming meetings, classes, events, contacts, newsletters, and resources.
We do many exciting activities such as:
- Lunch and Learn Meetings and Field Visits, typically monthly from September to May (break during summertime)
- Annual Banquet, typically held in January each year.
- Section and Technical Committees sponsored workshops where the revenue is used to award scholarships to college engineering students.
- WSDOT Adopt-A-Highway program. We have adopted two miles of Interstate 90 just West of Spokane where we do litter pick up service about three times a year. Volunteers are always welcome.
Constitution and Bylaws are available to view under the "Newsletter" section (updated 1/30/2023).
Feel free to explore our site, and if you would like to contact us please do so by utilizing the Contact Us form in the ABOUT tab above. Please contact us for corrections needed to the website content, your feedback is appreciated. Thank you.
Information about ASCE Region 8 can be found on their website: https://regions.asce.org/region8/