Welcome to ASCE Inland Empire Section's website.  Please find information for upcoming meetings, classes, events, contacts, newsletters, and resources.

We do many exciting activities such as:

  • Lunch and Learn Meetings and Field Visits, typically monthly from September to May (break during summertime) 
  • Annual Banquet, typically held in January each year.
  • Section and Technical Committees sponsored workshops where the revenue is used to award scholarships to college engineering students.
  • WSDOT Adopt-A-Highway program. We have adopted two miles of Interstate 90 just West of Spokane where we do litter pick up service about three times a year. Volunteers are always welcome.

Constitution and Bylaws are available to view under the "Newsletter" section (updated 1/30/2023).

Feel free to explore our site, and if you would like to contact us please do so by utilizing the Contact Us form in the ABOUT tab above.  Please contact us for corrections needed to the website content, your feedback is appreciated.  Thank you.

Information about ASCE Region 8 can be found on their website: https://regions.asce.org/region8/


Section Election Voting (closes 9/30/2024)

Please submit your vote by 9/30/2024


Open Position for Tech Ed Committee

The Tech Ed Committee, is looking for a state agency person who could join the Tech Ed Committee.

Ideally, this would be someone with 10 or more years of experience, technically adept, well-connected with other agency personnel, and with a service mindset. Someone who could serve for several years would be ideal but the Tech Ed Committee appreciates the consideration to serve as time allows.

The Tech Ed Committee meets once a month, the first Thursday of each month at 7:30 AM virtually (Teams/Zoom). The Tech Ed Committee puts on one to three seminars per year and organizes/sponsors the student scholarship for UI/GU/WSU scholarships. Tech Ed Committee members helps take part of these meetings, suggesting ideas, organizing, and putting on the seminars.

Contact Alan Gay ([email protected]) if interested.

SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITY - Region 8 Assembly in Spokane

Dear Colleagues,

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) is hosting the 2024 Region 8 Assembly meeting in Spokane, August 22nd through August 24th at Gonzaga University. Region 8 covers all of the western United States including Hawaii and Alaska but excluding California.

Hosting the meeting in Spokane happens about once every 8 to 10 years. We have an opportunity to showcase Spokane to the Civil Engineering and ASCE community for all of Region 8. Many of those attending are younger members just getting started in their career and could potentially even be employees of your company.

The Sponsorship Opportunity for your company is to provide snacks or lunch one or more of the three-day conference (approximately 40 to 50 people in attendance each day).  Boxed lunch ideas could be from Jimmy Johns, Caruso's, Jersey Mikes or other local restaurant.  By sponsoring snacks or a lunch, your firm would be recognized at the Assembly for participating and recognized at future Section Lunch meetings.

If you are interested to sponsor snacks or a lunch, please contact Bob Turner (Region 8 Governor in Spokane) at 509 994 3239 or [email protected].

Thank you for your time and your interest in supporting Region 8!