October 2023 Tour @ North Spokane Corridor Phase 1 Viaduct

Tuesday, October 10, 2023 - 11:50 AM

Please join us for lunch and a tour of "Phase 1" of the North Spokane Corridor, the viaduct section next to Spokane Community College.

Attendees will be required to bring their own PPE (hard hat, reflective vest, closed shoes, etc.) in order to participate in the field trip.



Important Times

Meet for lunch at 11:45 AM.  Tour starting 12:00 PM.  Time to be confirmed.


On Spokane Community College campus, meet at the Central Courtyard.

1810 N Greene Street, Spokane, WA 99217

Paid parking is available on campus, see the attached map to park in a Parking Metered (PM) area.

October 2023 Tour Parking Map



If you would like lunch, please add your name, membership status, and lunch order on the following Google Doc.  $15 for members and non-members; $10 for students.  RSVP your lunch order by 10/9/2023 at noon.  If you don't want lunch, you can still attend the tour for free.



Register for the tour online at ASCE Collaborate