The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) is the oldest national professional engineering society in the United States with over 93 sections worldwide. ASCE Puerto Rico Section was founded in 1929 and has since then continually advocated in favor of the Civil Engineering profession in both the public policy and educational fronts for the betterment of our island’s infrastructure and to help forge a new generation of future engineers capable of elevating Puerto Rico to new heights.
1/6/2021 - ASCE Puerto Rico Section has been awarded the 2020 Outstanding Section and Branch Award for Small Sections and Branches by the ASCE Leader Training Committee for the Section's development over the past year and their dedication to infrastructure-related activities.
10/17/2020 - Vice President Joe Biden took the first steps to rebuild Puerto Rico's Infrastructure in an appropriate and resilient manner. Hon. Joe BIden has included the 2019 ASCE Infrastructure Report Card as a main component of his presidential platform.
10/17/2020 - ASCE Puerto Rico has joined forces with the United Nations Association of the United States of America (UNA-USA) Puerto Rico Chapter with the mission to provide technical expertise and data to help Puerto Rico achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We will bring our expertise to help develop the data dashboard that will advance the UN's 17 SDG's by 2030. For more information, feel free to visit https://unausa.org/
2019 Puerto Rico Infrastructure Report Card
In 2019, ASCE Puerto Rico published it's first ever ASCE Puerto Rico Infrastructure Report Card as a way to conmemorate our landmark 90th anniversary as a section.
The ASCE Puerto Rico Infrastructure Report Card is meant to be an educational tool that facilitates understanding of the current conditions of Puerto Rico's infrastructure for the island's residents, businesses, and policymakers and includes recommendations from industry professional on how to improve the grades for each category. This document is then shared on the media in order to facilitate citizen's understanding of infrastructure and to advocate for improvement's to the national infrastructure. The ASCE Infrastructure Report Cards currently serve as the main vehicle for infrastructure policy advocacy in the United States.
In 2015, the United Nations and the 170 countries and territories that compose it, established 17 Sustainable Development Goals with the aim to end poverty, protect the planet and promote peace and prosperity around the globe by 2030. These goals are only achievable if the topic of infrastructure is given it's proper importance and ASCE Puerto Rico it's taking part of advocating for the future success of these initiatives.
The Report Card measures the state of 8 different infrastructure categories in Puerto Rico alongside recommendations on how to improve them from field experts. In this edition of the ASCE Infrastructure Report Card Puerto Rico obtained a D- in it's overall infrastructure, showing the need for the Puerto Rican government to give importance to this area in order to prevent further worsening of the economy, preventable deaths, and further emigration from the island.
The ASCE PR Infrastructure Committee has also released released its Infrastructure Infographic. The documents contain visual information and its written on Spanish. Feel free to share it with your family and friends. Access it here!
Update 10/21/2020 - ASCE PR Section members Hector Colón, Edwin Vargas, and Bejamín Colucci had the opportunity to participate in an interview in the political discussion show Jugando Pelota Dura (JPD) in Univisión Puerto Rico. The inteview presented information regarding the 2019 Puerto Rico Infrastructure Report Card along with some new infographics which may be found using this link. The members talked about the importance of infrastructure and how it related to the economy, national security and health, as well as quality of life and how the recommendations set forth by the report will aid in setting Puerto Rico on the right track to recovery.
The program reached over 58,000 individuals on social media alone and gave the opportunity to talk about the defunct Joint Resolution Bill 465, which you may click here to view, which seeked to create an Infrastructure Planning Committee in Puerto Rico. The interview concluded with the Section President, Hector Colón urging the newly elected governor to create a workforce that will focus on infrastructure within the first day of governance. Host Ferdinand Pérez said that he personally will ensure that the topic will continue to be discussed in future occassions in hopes of having the government take action on the recommendations set forth by the report. You may watch the highlights of the interview in the video below:
ASCE Puerto Rico in the News
ASCE PR Sponsors
The Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) and Tribal Technical Assistance Program (TTAP)
Rosado and Associates P.S.C.
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* Membership dues are required to become an active ASCE member. Consult the linked website for more details.
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Presidential Message
Héctor J. Colon De La Cruz, EIT, A.M.ASCE
The American Society of Civil Engineers is the oldest engineering organization in United States, and the most prestigious civil engineering organization in the world. It is an honor to hold office as the ASCE PR Section President and work with different groups of engineers, organizations, and institutions. My main goal is to reenergize the Section and help Puerto Rico improve its infrastructure through various infrastructure-related public policy initiatives. We are open to collaborate with different levels of government and organizations. If you have ideas, concepts, resources, etc. that you want to share, please contact us. Our email is on the contacts tab.
Eng. Hector Colon-De La Cruz
ASCE PR Infrastructure Report Card Chair
ASCE PR President